Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Memang Tun Hasmah yg sampaikan anugerah kt sekolah Ammar..
Sepatutnya Tun Mahathir..
tapi takde rezeki nk jumpo..
so penggantinya adalah tun hasmah laa..
Dah tk berapa kuat dh dia..
Tapi mampu juga menunaikan jemputan yg diberikan kepadanya..
Salute you Tun!
*abaikan mulut i yg terkemut tu..wa malu!!...choiiii *
Friday, November 14, 2014
Pencapaian demi pencapaian cemerlang yg Ammar capai..
Ibu bangga nak..
Ibu bangga walau ibu takla selalu memantau pelajaran kamu..tapi kamu berjaya membuatkan ibu dan ayah bangga..
Ibu bangga sekarang..
Sebab ibu yg besarkan kamu sendiri tanpa perlu ke mana2 pengasuh..
Dulu ibu sering rasa rendah diri sebab ibu tak bekerja..
Sekarang ibu rasa berbaloi..
Berbaloi kerana kejayaan demi kejayaan yg anak ibu berikan kepada ibu..
Terima kasih sayang2 ibu!
Ammar terima anugerah dari Tun Siti Hasmah.
Yang menggantikan Tun M..
Kalau kita dapat jumpa Tun M..lagi besar rasa hati ibu..
Sebab anak ibu berjaya membuatkan ibu dan ayah berjumpa dengan idola kami.
kalau nk tunggu ibu dapat apa2 anugerah, jawabnya nan hado jer laa..
Ibu doakan kamu berjaya dunia dan akhirat..
Jangan hanyut dengan kejayaan sementara..
Tapi berusahalah dengan gigih untuk mencapai kejayaan utk kedua2 nya..
Semoga Ammar akan terus tabah untuk mengharungi dunia yg penuh mencabar ini..
Untuk Aisy Irfan..
Contohi lah abang kamu..
Jadikan dia sebagai pembakar semangat utk kamu berjaya..
Semoga anak2 ibu akan terus berjaya dan menjadi muslimin sejati dan soleh!.
Amin yg rabbal alamin!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Ini majlis di jb plak..
Serba gold utk semua kaum kerabat...
kebetulan pada hari majlis di jb ni..
malam tu adalah final piala malaysia..
antara pahang dan JDT...
memang sangat bertepatan laa..
sebabnya pengantin memang sorang dr JDT dan sorang wakil pahang..
tu sebab ada gambar bendera johor..
semangat betul diorang ni..
yang tak tahan cari juga tu bendera pahang tapi tak jumpa..
yeler cari bendera pahang dalam negeri johor..mana nak jumpa..
tapi dh tersurat JDT kalah malam tu..
even game memang best laa..
sampai penalti..
tapi sy memang dh agak pahang akan menang..
bila beritau kat diorang2 yg fanatik JDT tu prediction sy...semua cakap nk putus sedara..
saje nyakat..
tapi ternyata ramalan sy tepat..
apa pun JDT tetap di hati..
ayuh johor..ayuh johor..luaskan kuasamu!!
eh tetiba!!
Ada kisah juga yg terjadi pada sy sebelum dan semasa majlis ni..
aduhaii kelakar bila ingat2 balik..
di bentong, aisy muntah kt saya..
kat jb lain plak cite..
Sebelum majlis..tah kenapa sy jadi kurang sihat..
badan sakit2 n pening kepala 2-3 hari sebelum tu..
klimaksnya sampai seram sejuk badan dan menggigil..
amenda plak ni
gi klenet, jumpa doc..ingatkan gastrik..
tapi kata doc maybe acid tinggi dalam badan..
acid tinggi??
perghh 1st time ni..
so dapat laa ubat 3tepek..kena telan..
malam tu memang takleh tido..
sakit seluruh badan..especially pinggang..
rasa mcm nk putus..
tak boleh tido saya..
subuh tu..rs boleh bangun..
kuatkan badan, smbil terkengkang2 berjalan..
kemas baju sume..sebab nk balik jb..
sampai kt jb, rs dh makin kuat skit..
lepas tu kak ipar pun balik, bawa ubat juga..
utk sapu kt pinggang..
legaaa esoknya..
tapi lepas sapu ubat, lupa plak nk basuh tangan..
terus tido sebab rasa letih bebeno..
pagi esoknya..
lupa tangan tak berbasuh..
pegi plak gosok mata..
haaaaaaa amikk!!
dr elok mata takde apa..
terus bengkak...macam kena sengat..
cer tengok gambar2 sy kt atas tu..
sepet n bengkak kan..
memang kenangan betul..
sampai sekarang alan masih usik sy yg bermata bengkak tu..
gerammmmmmm jer..!!
oklaaa habislaaa kisah majlis perkahwinan anak sedara sy ni..
yg ada macam2 kisah pasal sy dan family juga!!
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Sambungan kisah majlis perkahwinan amir dan farhana..
Time time nk bersanding ni la plak jadi macam2 hal..
bukan kena pada pengantin..
tapi pada aisy..
tak tau laa sebab apa..
maybe silap makan kat mana2..
Sewaktu bersanggah, bleh plak aisy muntah beberapa kali..
abis basah baju sy dan dia terkena muntah..
padanlaa sebelum tu sy nk bg dia makan apa2 pun dia taknak..
lepas tu ontok je rupa dia..
rupanya perut tak sedap..
terpaksalah sy, alan dan aisy balik ke homestay..
tukar baju dan bersihkan apa yg patut..
mujur masing2 bawak baju lebih..
kalau tak..silakan pegi majlis kawin ngan bau muntah..
keadaan masa persandingan panas gila..
agaknya pengantin pompuan baling baju atas bumbung..
kata orang...hehehe..
sebab ms majlis kawin sy, memang sy baling baju atas bumbung..
efeknya..memang panas terik betul masa majlis kawin sy..
sampai rasa nk pengsan..
apa pun, lepas ni kita sambung plak story majlis belah lelaki plak..
yakni seminggu lepas majlis sebelah pihak perempuan ni..
Friday, November 7, 2014
habih dah..
malam tadi..
tapi rasa ada ulangan lagi di lain kali..
meh kita cite episod last ye...
apa kesudahan untuk semua watak..
Akhirnya Jang Pan ro (datuk ha-na) yg menghidap kanser paru2 tahap 4 mati..
Pan Ro ingin mati di tempat penyimpanan kicap..
Ha-na menunaikan permintaan terakhir dari datuknya..
Ha-myung plak bertunang dengan pembantu peribadi Sul Do hyun..
Kan dulu2 dia memang berkenan dengan En Kim ni.
So akhirnya cinta dia berbalas n bertunang lah dia dengan en kim ni..
hahahah happy ending utk both of them..
Jang Ra hee dan Ko kwang chul, keduanya dijatuhkan hukuman penjara..
Atas niat untuk membunuh ha-na..
Tapi sebelum tu Ra hee sempat juga berikan banyak bukti kegiatan jahat Sul Jin mook..
Agaknya insaf laa skit kot..
Sul Jin Mook plak akhirnya insaf lepas anaknya Do hyun buat pengakuan dia yg buat semua kegiatan jahat ayahnya..
Sul jin mook mengaku bersalah di mahkamah dan akhirnya dikenakan hukuman penjara 12tahun..
Padan muka..jahat nau!!
Ra gong plak yg konon rasa cerdik sangat sebab dh curi buku panduan chef diraja..
Sebenarnya dh tertipu..
Buku yg dicuri tu buku palsu. Buku sebenar disorok oleh datuk di dalam lantai yg berlubang..
So Ra gong, mak dia dan nenek dia yg ngok ngek itu buat keputusan balik ke kampung..
Sebab malu dah dok seoul..sume org kenal diorg as family yg penipu..
hahahaa suka aii!!
Sul do hyun plak?
Heheheh dia akhirnya berjaya sebagai chef..
Kumpulan SS ditukar kepentingan sebagai yayasan amanah.
Tujuannya untuk memperbaiki segala kesilapan yg ayah dia Jin mook buat..
So skrang ni bisnes kumpulan ss tiada langsung untuk keuntungan..
Semuanya diserahkan kepada yayasan untuk tujuan kebajikan..
Bagus ar do hyun..
Yoon Chan plak ke america nk cari mak dia..
Tapi tak jumpa..
balik semula ke seoul..
Oklah meh cite psl ha-na..
Ha-na ditabalkan menjadi chef diraja sebelum datuk dia mati..
Sempat ler datuk dia tgk..
Semua kepentingan dan harta Syarikat Hwang so menjadi milik ha na dan keluarga dia..
Ha na dalam diam dh mula suka kt Yoon chan..
tapi dia blum luahkan lagi..
dia planning nk sambut birthday yoon chan sama2..
Tapi yoon chan buat keputusan utk ke america nak cari mak dia..
and juga tinggalkan ha na sebab dia rasa dia dh takde kepentingan dalam hidup ha na lagi..
Masa ha na tunggu yoon chan sebab nk sambut birthday tu sama2..
Cik eun pembantu peribadi yoon chan datang n beritahu semua cite kt ha na..
Ha na terus ke airport cari yoon chan..
Malangnya dia tak jumpa..
Ha na balik ke hwang so dan menangis ler sebab tak jumpa yoon chan..
tiba tiba..jeng jeng jeng..
Rupanya yoon chan tak sampai hati nk pegi..
Tak jadi naik kapal terobang..
dia pun dtg jumpa ha na kt hwang so..
Ha na pun mengaku ler dia sebenarnya dh mula cintakan yoon chan..
aii likeee..
suka ler yoon chan tu!!
2bulan lepas tu..
Ha na dikurniakan pingat dari jabatan pertanian dan perikanan..
Yoon Chan plak pegi juga ke america cari mak dia tapi tak jumpa kan..
Do hyun balik semula ke seoul lepas dia mencipta nama kt Itali sebagai chef..
Dan akhirnya ha na dan yoon chan dok kt atas bukit sambil pandang tempat simpanan kicap..
Habih laa citenya..
Yg tak best..takde ending ha na n yoon chan kahwin..
Huhuhu anti klimaks betull..
Gitulaa pengakhiran 122 episod Good Daughter Ha Na..
Best best..
sampai laki den pun ikut join tgk cite ni..
dia plak yg tiap2 malam takmau miss..
The Memorial for GP has been set up in his room and HN,JHS,JHM and the Secretary are standing in the living room as HK comes in to tell her that SDH has come from SS Group to pay his respects. They tell her to let him come in and SDH comes in and pays his respects and JHS thanks him for coming.
HN walks SDH out the gate and he says sorry to her and HN says something to him about things are finally complete and SDH ask her something and HN says something and SDH ask her something about YC and HN smiles at him and he smile a bit as well and walks off saying something in his head as he looks back at her one last time. They look at each other and she says something in her head about growing up being a process and he says something as well smiling and HN does as well and he turns and walks away with HN watching him.
The Duo with HN in the ancestor shrine and the put her portrait up beside GP's on the wall and stand back to look at it.
SDH is meeting with YC and hands him some documents telling him something about SS Group and paying back for what DHD has done prolly and something and YC ask something and SDH says something and YC says something and SDH replies back to him and YC nods and SDH says something else about DHD and looks at YC and stands and goes toward the door and says something else to him as YC stands and looks at him and SDH nods smiling and YC says something smiling and they look at each other.
JS is looking at some food on the table with ICR beside her at an eatery and RG comes in with whatever money he could get for selling what is left or what he had on him and sits down telling them that and giving JS the money and ICR says something about how they are living and RG looks and is crying saying something and ICR is saying something about GP and something else and JS says something as well crying as she plays in her food and RG breaks down and JS does as well and RG says something else and ICR sniffles and says something and JS boo hoo's and then ICR and then RG.
RH is having ICR as a visitor in jail and she ask about GP and she is told he died I think and something else about them being ruined with nothing and everyone knows and RH looks down and ICR says something about it being her fault she is in there and had it not been for her and her greed and that she should have cherished her a bit more and not been so greedy for HS and something else they would not be in this situation and something about HN and something else crying and RH says something to her and ICR says something and RH looks down not saying something and ICR calls her name saying something about RG and something and RH cries as ICR says something about RG and her starting over when she gets out and RH looks at her as the tears fall and her nose runs and ICR is just a water works saying something and huh and RH looks at her .
HN is having dinner with JHM and JHS and she tells her that it is YC birthday on the next day and they are surprised and want to do something like have a party for him and HN says something all happy and they all smile.
HN is at HS Soy over looking and she has a cake in her hand.
YC is home dressed to leave and he sits on the bed and looks at his ticket and passport and thinks to HN asking him not to go and he tells her he is sorry that he has to leave without saying good bye in his mind. AY comes in and tells him he will need to leave for his flight and ask about what to say about HN is it ok to leave with out telling her and he tells her he would not be able to go if he sees her.
HN is wondering where YC is he was suppose to meet her and she goes to call.
AY stops YC before he goes out the door and says something to him and he replies and then goes out and AY smiles or thinks.
HN tries and no answer and she thinks back to what he said and the hug as if he was leaving and AY comes running up and HN ask where is YC and she tells her that he is leaving today and that he could not face her with his one sided love for her and HN says something looking at her.
YC at the airport and he stops a moment and looks back.
HN says something to AY and AY tells her about YC leaving and HN ask her something and AY tells her something and HN looks down and AY tells her something else about HN and HN ask her something and AY says something and HN stops and looks back and AY tells her to go and HN goes walking off and AY nods at her.
YC is at the airport and stops again and thinks about when he first met HN and all the other times they met and were together and he says something in his head about her and his love for her and he looks at his ticket.
HN is running around the airport looking for him .
YC turns and walks off and HN is searching for him and she is calling for him in her head and he passes her going to the international gate and gives the attendant his ticket and passport and HN has stopped and cries calling Kyung Young HYC -ssi .
HN is HS soy standing outside thinking to herself about him being gone and we see her sitting on the little bridge upset that he left her and she looks down. WE see someone walk up beside her and he looks up and it is YC .
HN stands and YC says something to her and HN hugs him and he hugs her back and HN cries and says something and YC smiles and moves back from her and HN tells him she loves him (I think) it is not one sided and he hugs her again and he is smiling as he hugs her close and closes his eyes.
Two months later.
HN is in her office and her Secretary is telling her something about HS and shows her an invitation for something related to HS and the Duo come in and tell her something about sales on a product maybe and HN is happy and says something and they tell hr something else .
SDE comes home and tells the HK to look at something and shows her the article about SDH doing something and says something about her Oppa and she says something about YC I think and the HK says something and SDE says something else doing her crazy happy laugh.
JHS is walking out from work and one of the other waitress stops her and says something about HN and JHS says something laughing and about YC and HN comes in and says something to her and JHS says something about YC and HN replies and they go out together.
JHS and HN are meeting JHM who is dressed for either a party or getting married and AK comes out in his tux and says something and looks at them and they smile laughing and he looks at JHM who is smiling at him (I knew it they would be together.)
SDE is meeting SDH who has come in at the airport and he says something and she replies back to him.
HN is in the car with YC and says something to him and he replies back and HN says something about his mother and then ask him something and YC says something to her and HN replies back to him and he looks at her and she smiles at him.
YC is at the prison to see DHD and they bring him out and he sits and YC sits down and DHD says something to him and YC replies back to him and DHD says something telling him something about their relationship or the past (we have that music playing) and DHD cries saying his name and realizing who he treated his first born saying something and YC cries as well (he robbed the man of having family)
HN is walking into an event for HS Soy and we see JHS, JHM,AK,SDE and YC sitting to the side as she walks up to the podium and starts talking as the press take pictures and type up their story with YC looking around and HN says something to the crowd and then looks to YC and says something about him and family and continues as SDE looks happy and YC smiles looking away. HN looks over to her mother and sister saying something and says something else and bows her head and everyone claps for her. HN looks around.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Amir ni anak saudara alan..
kira anak sedara saya ler jugak...
Majlis berlangsung kt Felda sertik bentong pahang..
selamat dengan sekali lafaz jer..
Semoga berkekalan hingga ke jannah boy dan nana!
nanti sy update plak majlis sebelah pengantin ppuan...
Saturday, November 1, 2014
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